In the popular CD series ‘’The Best...” a new song collection ‘’Vislabākās Latviešu Ziemassvētku dziesmas pašiem mazākajiem” (The Best Latvian Christmas Songs for the Little Ones). As you can tell by the title of the album, the main audience for this album are the littlest ones, who try to imitate words and often times try to learn by heart their first poems. Thinking about gifts for the little ones to enjoy this holiday season – this could be one of them.
‘’Knīpas un Knauķi’’, ‘’Dzeguzīte’’ among other popular children’s groups are singing on the album. A great thing to note is that the CD comes with song lyrics, which will help parents to teach the songs to their little ones, or maybe the parents can use the lyrics to recite them as poems by the Christmas tree.
Sponsored by mammām un tētiem.lv. Designed by Peteris Sicevs.
Album Track List:
Ziemassvētku vecītis (Santa Claus)
Mazās sniegpārsliņas (Little Snowflakes)
Piparkūkas danco (Gingerbread dance)
Brīnumsvecīte (Sparkler)
Kas ir Ziemassvētki? (What is Christmas?)
Lido, sniedziņ! (Fly snow!)
Eglīte, māsiņa (Sister Christmas tree)
Cepam piparkūkas! (Baking gingerbread)
Cik eglīte skaista (The beautiful Christmas tree)
Runcīša piparkūkas (Kitties gingerbread)
Dieviņš (Little God)
Vēlā vakarā (Late at Night)
Zvaniņš skan (Jingle Bells)
Ziemassvētku laiks (Christmas Time)
Gaidu gaišus Ziemassvētkus (Waiting For Bright Christmas)
Laba slava sniedziņam (Good Glory Snow)
Ziemas miegs (Winter Sleep)
Jūs, bērniņi, nāciet (O Come Little Children)
Circenīša Ziemassvētki (Crickets Christmas)
Klusa nakts, svēta nakts (Silent Night, Holy Night)
Mp3 version of the album Doremi.lv http://goo.gl/lyRsh