At the end of previous summer, the Reiniks family and MicRec Publishing introduced the small listeners and their parents in Latvia with a new protagonist – little bear Ričijs Rū and his friends in the forest. The audience listening to the little bear Ričijs Rū grew so fast that the protagonists from the book transformed into a concert show and the shows are sold completely and continue travelling around Latvia. The book has been in the list of bestsellers, and Riga Central Library has named it the best children's book of 2021, whereas the music album received “Gold disc” status in Latvia.
It is planned that at the end of this summer that Ričis Ra (Ričijs Rū in Lituaninan) will go to Lithuania to meet his readers and listeners.
The book “Ričis Ra su muzika gera” is interactive – every page contains a QR code which “animates” the lyrics after scanning, allowing to look into and hear the adventures of the little bear Richy Ru, in a specially created video version channel of the lyrics on YouTube. The book also includes painting pages and a CD with songs and their music. Author of the music is Lauris Reiniks, author of the lyrics is Veronika, granny of Lauris, and lyrics were reproduced in Lithuanian verse by Deivydas Zvonkus. Songs are performed by Liepa Norkevičienė and Lauris Reiniks.
“It was huge and pleasant challenge to compose songs especially for children. They are the most demanding and honest audience. I have never done it before. The all idea of this book created by my sister Ruta. The most important thing for me was that Ruta's son Richards likes them. He is the main reason for the entire project. I am really glad that he genuinely likes it, and he asks me to play more and more. I believe that also Lithuanian children will love our little bear Ričis Ra and his friends and that we will be able to sing together these songs in concerts”, the composer and singer of the songs, Lauris Reiniks, reveals.